Fights between spouses are an inevitable part of the divorce process. A troubled marriage only leads to a breakdown in communications at times, with both spouses bickering with one another. However, Long Island parents may want to learn more about how their fighting during a divorce affects their child.
Fights during a divorce can affect children, study says
According to one study, if a child witnesses their parents arguing during the divorce process are more apt to develop abandonment issues. This is appears to be the case even if the child has a close emotional bond with one or both parents.
The study examined 560 children between ages nine and 18. Researchers asked the children how often and intense their parents’ fights were and whether they felt like they were caught in the middle of two warring parents. Researchers also asked the children if their parents bad-mouthed one another.
The study found that exposure to conflict led the children surveyed to feel abandoned by one or both parents. This led to further mental health problems 11 months down the road, according to researchers, such as anxiety or fear.
Try not to argue in front of the children
One expert recommends that, to avoid these consequences, parents going through a divorce not argue in front of the children. This includes being extra careful to make sure that their children are not forced to take sides. This means no badmouthing, no spying and not using the child as a go-between to communicate with your estranged spouse. It is also important to reassure children that, despite the divorce, both parents will continue to take care of them.
Learn more about divorce in Long Island
Parents who are going through a divorce should be very careful how they conduct themselves in front of their children and what they say to their children. In the end, however, parents can take steps to lessen the negative impact their divorce might have on their child. To learn more about child custody and parenting time in Long Island, please visit our firm’s website for further information and guidance.